Welcome to the ALA’s history blog series

Posted On: Wednesday, 11 October 2023
Welcome to the ALA’s history blog series

Upon driving into many of this nation’s smaller towns, families have been “greeted” by the signs of civic organizations existing within that town’s borders. They see signs for the Rotary Club, Welcome Wagon, Lion’s Club, Kiwanis, churches, The American Legion, and a spattering of others. And every once in a while, they might have seen a sign for the American Legion Auxiliary. The what???
Hi! My name is Cathi Taylor, and I am the archivist with the American Legion Auxiliary National Headquarters. It is my honor to not only answer that question, but to share the Auxiliary’s history with you. So…
Welcome to our brand-new national history blog — the American Legion Auxiliary History’s Mysteries! As the Auxiliary has been around since 1919, there is a great deal to discover. It’s a fascinating history filled with stories long ago forgotten or never passed along.  
Every month, we will explore the accomplishments, the members, the Auxiliary’s Cavalcade of Memories Museum, recent acquisitions, projects in the archives, and so much more. If you’d like to get a head start on November’s post, visit our digital archive here.
Just so we’re clear, I won’t be posting anything about the current events of the American Legion Auxiliary. That’s up to our Communications and Marketing Division, and they do a great job. For information on recent and current happenings, our programs, and what we do, please visit our national website at www.ALAforVeterans.org
Should you have a question about any of the blog posts, comments, or would like to put in a request for me to cover a particular topic, please email me at History@ALAforVeterans.org. I would like to hear from you.  
See you in November!

ALA Digital Archive Collection
To learn more about the history of the American Legion Auxiliary, please visit our digital archive collection at https://alaforveterans.pastperfectonline.com.